Working With ReactJS

10Feb, 2018

ReactJS is a library exclusively for Javascript, which is used for the creation and building of user interfaces. It is highly simplistic and can be learnt in a few days’ time. Top social media giants, Facebook and Instagram, have got their websites from ReactJS, which makes it the ideal choice for others too as all of us are well aware of the functionality and user interface capabilities of these two social media platforms.

ReactJS is highly intuitive and will update the right components according to the change in your data.

ReactJS’s well-known attribute is that it makes codes extremely predictable and at the same time pretty easy to debug. Yes, debug is sure a huge process and if not done properly, could lead to further complications in one’s program. It builds exclusive and encapsulated components, which acts independently and takes care of its own state. It is later made into complex user interfaces and not before that. Coders are also given the freedom to write their individual codes without the need to rewrite the existing ones, which gives them a lot of scope and freedom to test and improve.

For more such information on ReactJS, check out our article, where ReactJS has been listed among the many java frameworks that may rule in 2017. Here are a few things that you might need while working with ReactJS.

The Lesser The Better

Yes, while working with ReactJS, you need to make sure that the components are as small as possible, in order to ensure better results, as longer components could end up with a lot of errors and debugging that could take you forever.

How To Set Up A Page In Reactjs?

The following codes need to be included while setting a page in ReactJs.

  • js
  • react –dom.js

Followed by these two codes, you need to write the component, and make sure it is small, in the script node.


Props are nothing but attributes that can be added to the components, while you define them. A range of props are available on this. props, from where you can select the desired one.

Make sure that the props you are using are well fitted and within the context of your code.

What Are The Different Lifecycle Methods In React?

The different lifecycle methods are componentWillMount, shouldComponentUpdate, componentWillUnmount and componentDidMount.

Reactjs Is A Library

Yes, RectJS is a library and not a framework, which means that it con only render your views and not perform anything beyond that.

Avoid Using Too Many States In Your Components

States can overcomplicate your components, in turn making it more difficult to test, resulting in significantly larger values of errors and bugs.

What Are Events?

Events are used to trigger methods and are attached to the components as properties.

Components And Their Two Types

The two types of components used in ReactJS are Simple component and stateful component. In a simple component, the render () method is used which takes in the input data and returns the data that has to be displayed. In a stateful component, the component maintains internal data via this. state, which is not found in the simple component.

By following the given instructions properly and diligently, one can indeed create great programs using ReactJS, which are highly interactive, error free and completely predictable. Less is always more and that phenomena works perfectly for ReactJS, where less is indeed more.

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